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Domenico Dal Pane (ca. 1630 — 10 December 1694) was noted Italian castrato soprano and composer; b. probably in Rome, c. 1630; d. there, Dec. 10, 1694. He became a treble at S. Maria Maggiore in Rome in his youth. After studies with Abbatini, he went to Vienna as a singer at the imperial court about 1650. Upon his return to Rome in 1654, he became active at the Sistine Chapel, where he later was its maestro di cappella (1669–79). He also was in the service of the Pamphili family. Among his finest works are 2 vols. of madrigals for 5 Voices and Basso Continue (Rome, 1652, 1678) and the vol. Sagri concerti ad honore del Ss. Sagramento for 2–5 Voices and Basso Continuo (Rome, 1675).

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