Del Marquis, born Derek Gruen, is best known as the guitarist for New York pop band Scissor Sisters. This audiovisual project (in collaboration with Embryorooom consists of 4 EPs and several video formats recorded before the Scissor Sisters' third album. In December 2008 he released his first solo EP 'Hothouse', which was followed in March 2009 with 'Character Assassination'. "Litter to society" was released in May 09 with contributions by Vula and Sharleen from Basement Jaxx, Joan as police woman and The Uptown horns. This time, Del Marquis, docu… read more
Del Marquis, born Derek Gruen, is best known as the guitarist for New York pop band Scissor Sisters. This audiovisual project (in collaboration with Embryorooom consists of 4 EPs and several video formats recorded before the Scissor Sisters' third album. In December 2008 he released his… read more
Del Marquis, born Derek Gruen, is best known as the guitarist for New York pop band Scissor Sisters. This audiovisual project (in collaboration with Embryorooom consists of 4 EPs and several video formats recorded before the Scissor Sisters' third album. In December 2008 he released his first solo EP 'Hothouse', which was followed in March 2009 wi… read more