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"Beautiful Faces" is a song by English singer, songwriter, and musician Declan McKenna. It was released as the lead single from his second studio album "Zeros" on 29 January 2020. The song was written by Declan McKenna and Max Marlow.

Live performances
On 5 April 2020, Declan McKenna performed the song live on Sunday Brunch. He performed the song from his home, he said that the coronavirus pandemic made it impossible for his band to join him, "Unfortunately because of social distancing I can't have my band here with me today so I've got these guys in to help." In the background, four more McKennas were sat around the room, taking on the roles of his backing band.

Speaking about the song, McKenna said, "I wanted it to be a big song…Scary big. It very much relates to now, but I wanted to reimagine social media in this future-sphere where it has become even more immersive so that we cannot see where it ends and we begin."

Music video
A music video to accompany the release of "Beautiful Faces" was first released onto YouTube on 29 January 2020.

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