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  • Born

    22 July 1961 (age 63)

  • Born In

    Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, United States

Daniel Winans (sixth sibling) is also a Grammy Award for Best Soul Gospel Performance by a Duo or Group, Choir or Chorus winning Gospel musician and has produced several albums.

Daniel has vivid memories of growing up in the Winans household where he and his siblings were awakened early and often to the glorious prayers of Pop Winans calling unto the LORD on behalf of his family. It was the prayerful beginnings that shaped Daniel Winans for a meaningful relationship with the LORD and with all other relationships to come in life. "A legacy distinctly etched into my mind from early childhood and growing up. To this day, I find myself following in this pattern of prayer passed from father to son and siblings."

His Journey
Singer Howard Smith was instrumental in introducing famed Gospel recording artist, Andrae' Crouch, to the talented Winans and the family was soon on its way to becoming one of the most recognizable names in gospel music.

In 1987, Daniel recorded his debut album, Daniel Winans and the Second Half, Brotherly Love was released two years later, and in

1990, he received the Best Contemporary Gospel Song Grammy for the title cut from Brotherly Love. Daniel's third album, entitled

My Point of View was released in 1991. He released album number four, Not In My House in 1994. It was followed by, On The Inside where he kicks off the album with the silky smooth "true to you," which expresses the desire to serve God. Daniel rounds out this fifth project with the purely fun track, the snappy, funk-and-blues-filled "hu du yu luv" and highlights a guest appearance by Andrae' Crouch on the remake of Andrae' Crouch's "Jesus Is The Answer." First Love was released in 2011. With his new 2014 release, Family, Daniel is still pointing the way to the LORD and light of our lives as Danz Music Productions/BMI/BMG teams up with MCRi Music Distribution.

His Distinctions
Daniel has gone on to win his own Grammy award and he's a three-time Grammy nominee. He has toured of course with the legendary Winans family, who has garnered the title of First Family of Gospel to the USA. Daniel is a highly in-demand performer who shares his music at some of the largest and most vibrant churches in America. He is well received in Africa, Europe, and many other places abroad. One of his favorite and repeated events of ministry for him is "Gathering of Champions," at Kingsway International Christian Center located in London, England. Daniel sang for the late, great, Whitney Houston on her wedding day when she married Bobby Brown.

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