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There are at least three artists / bands named Danger.

1. Danger is an electronic music artist from Lyon, France. Danger (Franck Rivoire) takes 80s action-film sounds into mysterious territories: a landscape that belongs equally in an Amiga video game as a fictional animated film, perhaps involving explorers deep in South American jungles stumbling upon the colossal, obsidian pyramid pictured in his artwork. He is currently hosted by the Ekler'o'shock label.

2. Danger started in 2003, originating from a small town called Växjö in Sweden. The members came from different bands in the local area. They did a couple of gigs as Danger and recorded two full-length unsigned albums, they were titled ”Keep Out” and ”In Control”. The style was heavymetal with influences from Iron Maiden, Helloween and other metal bands from back in the 80/90s.

3. Danger was an early heavy metal band from Liège, Belgium, fronted by vocalist Dino Polizzi. They released one album, 1981's self-titled Danger, on EMI. They were dropped due to a lack of success and the band's management then started their own record label, Mausoleum Records, re-releasing the album in 1983. It would remain Danger's only record.

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