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Born and raised in Argentina, young prodigy Dyplodocus has always been passionate about music, later finding himself drawn to electronic music, focusing on the keyboard (although he has knowledge of bass and some of guitar and drums). Later on, his interest became more specific, and his music has a feel of IDM, or ambient techno, a la Boards of Canada. Struggling to make his tunes popular, he has released a number of EPs and singles for free and has published them on websites including Bandcamp.

The Argentinean young talent Dyplodocus brings a seven mind-blowing idm-electronica pearls packaged as Miss Anders Tud to suits sophisticated music ears and body minds at most. With a non specific name more than cardinal numbers from 1 to 6, Dyplodocus proves himself within the avant-garde electronic music industry as one of the tomorrows talents to put an eye on.

His music takes us to a surreal always eclectic - music journey where piano chords, trippy pads and a series of well crafted noisy sounds drive the plane with quality enough over unexpected but sick broken-beats as straight arrows to the point.

Artists the likes of Nicolas Jaar and M83 are clearly kind of inspiration for Dyplodocus sound, but at his 16 years - he moves forward looking for to reveal what the belt will achieve in the years to come as an absolutely artist to put an eye on.

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