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Gaspar Yanga is a single off of D Smoke’s second album Black Habits, which was released on February 7th 2020. The track features a credited feature from Snoop Dogg and contains a sample of the Bulgarian folk track Bre Petrunko, performed by the Koutev Bulgarian National Emsemble. The music video for the track was released on April 14th 2020.
The title of the track Gaspar Yanga refers to Prince Yanga who in the late 1560s was kidnapped from the African kingdom to serve as a slave in what used to be called New Spain and now called The Gulf of Mexico. His name was changed to Gaspar (which means treasure) because he was considered a prized-enslavement because he was of royal blood. He would later lead a slave revolt, which was successful and lead to them receiving land and created the town of San Lorenzo de Los Negros, the was first free African settlement in the Americas.

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