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City Field was a Halifax and Toronto-based band made up of Matt Murphy (The Super Friendz/The Flashing Lights), Gregg Millman, Mitchell Weibe, Brent Randall, and Dave Ewenson.

City Field formed in the mid-2000s, falling somewhere between the paisley underground style of The Bangles and an updated version of new wave guitar pop a la The Pretenders. In their relatively brief lifespan they played shows with Buck 65 and Sloan and recorded the "Authentic City" EP, with Murphy and Millman moving back to Toronto shortly after. Rob Benvie (Thrush Hermit/Camouflage Nights) and then Mike Small (The Meligrove Band) briefly took over on bass in the Toronto incarnation of City Field.

Their full length LP "Digital Perm" is as of yet unreleased.

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