Ciprian Porumbescu (1853 - 1883) is one of the most renowned Romanian composers. He composed over 250 works, both vocal and instrumental, with roots in Romanian folklore. One of his most popular works is "Crai Nou." ROMANIAN VERSION - for the English version please see below. Ciprian Porumbescu a fost fiul preotului ortodox Iraclie Porumbescu. Născut Iraclie Gołęmbiowski, acesta din urmă îşi schimbă numele de familie în Porumbescu în 1881, cu doi ani înainte de moartea lui Ciprian, atunci când ajunge stareţ al Mănăstirii Putna ("gołąb" - pronunţat "gouomb&q… read more
Ciprian Porumbescu (1853 - 1883) is one of the most renowned Romanian composers. He composed over 250 works, both vocal and instrumental, with roots in Romanian folklore. One of his most popular works is "Crai Nou." ROMANIAN VERSION - for the English version please see below. Cipri… read more
Ciprian Porumbescu (1853 - 1883) is one of the most renowned Romanian composers. He composed over 250 works, both vocal and instrumental, with roots in Romanian folklore. One of his most popular works is "Crai Nou." ROMANIAN VERSION - for the English version please see below. Ciprian Porumbescu a fost fiul preotului ortodox Iraclie Porumbescu. Născut I… read more