
  • Born

    1969 (age 56)

Christian Wünsch has become a well known name in the Techno scene throughout the world, especially in his native Spain. Although he was born in Monaco, he spent most of his life in the North of Spain where he still lives and produces music. He started his own labels Tsunami Records and Nine Records through which he successfully released cutting edge Techno tracks. Tsunami Records also releases music from artists such as Exium Fanon Flowers and Oscar Mulero.

With more than 70 releases on various labels such as Theory, Music Man, IM, Warm Up, PoleGroup, Mechanism Industries, Sheep, Audio Assault…including a variety of remixes and hundreds of licenses, he has become a worldwide reference in his field. Wünsch’s hardwork has earned him a position on the line ups of the best clubs and festivals all over the world, which also includes him as the first Spanish artist to perform in the mecca of techno, Detroit. His labels Tsunami Records and Nine are indispensable parts of any respectable record bag.

Christian has left his indelible mark on the best chapters of dance music history in the Iberian Peninsula. With an impecable career, this international artist has made a name for himself with dark and abstract atmospheric sounds, becoming one of the producers, whose name has appeared all over the world on the labels and charts of other great artists.

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