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Left to right, side to side, you do
Left to right, side to side, do you?
Left to right, side to side, you do
Loving the way you move it baby
Let's take our time all the way

Gotta embrace the ways you move
Gotta have faith for your own place
Lemme know what you think, I need it from you
I know you're my fate, you know that I'm into you

Lyrics continue below...

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If I could be right next to you
You know that I've been needing you
If I could be right next to you

Left to right, side to side, you do
Left to right, side to side, do you?
Left to right, side to side, you do
Loving the way you move it baby
Let's take our time all the way

Left to right, side to side, you do
(When I think of you)
Left to right, side to side, do you?
(Loving how you move)
Left to right, side to side, you do
Loving the way you move it baby
Let's take our time all the way

Writer(s): Christopher Mcclenney

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