Carlos Alberto Sánchez (born 1974), better known in the entertainment world as Charlie Zaa, is a Colombian singer who has gained fame across Latin America and among Hispanics in the United States. Zaa is the son of Alberto Sánchez, who is a famous singer in Colombia and who also uses the last name Zaa as an artistic last name. Charlie Zaa has actually noted in public that his biggest musical influences were his father, Julio Jaramillo and Olimpo Cardenas. Zaa has also publicly disclosed his belief in the Christian religion. Zaa was a singer with two famous Colombian salsa orchestras… read more
Carlos Alberto Sánchez (born 1974), better known in the entertainment world as Charlie Zaa, is a Colombian singer who has gained fame across Latin America and among Hispanics in the United States. Zaa is the son of Alberto Sánchez, who is a famous singer in Colombia and who also uses the last… read more
Carlos Alberto Sánchez (born 1974), better known in the entertainment world as Charlie Zaa, is a Colombian singer who has gained fame across Latin America and among Hispanics in the United States. Zaa is the son of Alberto Sánchez, who is a famous singer in Colombia and who also uses the last name Zaa as an artistic last name. Charlie Zaa has actually noted in pu… read more