Charlie & Jill LeBlanc have pursued the call of God on their lives for the last 25 years to teach, encourage and inspire by the Word of God through song, along with leading congregations all over the world into God’s presence through praise & worship and anointed songs. Former Worship Leaders for Joyce Meyer Ministries for almost seven years, and now leading worship for Andrew Wommack Ministries along with singing in churches around the world. Charlie & Jill have been involved in recording over a dozen CDs including their newest release entitled Redeeming Blood.
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Charlie & Jill LeBlanc have pursued the call of God on their lives for the last 25 years to teach, encourage and inspire by the Word of God through song, along with leading congregations all over the world into God’s presence through praise & worship and anointed songs. Former Worshi… read more
Charlie & Jill LeBlanc have pursued the call of God on their lives for the last 25 years to teach, encourage and inspire by the Word of God through song, along with leading congregations all over the world into God’s presence through praise & worship and anointed songs. Former Worship Leaders for Joyce Meyer Ministries for almost seven years, and now lea… read more