A fellowship of individually talented songwriters, initially brought together by a phonographic love for The Virgins, The Strokes, The Police and Phoenix, have finally emerged from their London hideout to introduce themselves. Cha-Cha have had a busy first year together writing, recording and performing their debut album, ‘We Are…’, and are now finally ready for you to take notice. Having crafted what the self-confessed perfectionists describe as “a cross between dirty pop hymns and offbeat disco rock”, Cha-Cha hit the London gig circuit in March 2009 and soo… read more A fellowship of individually talented songwriters, initially brought together by a phonographic love for The Virgins, The Strokes, The Police and Phoenix, have finally emerged from their London hideout to introduce themselves. Cha-Cha have had a busy first year togethe… read more A fellowship of individually talented songwriters, initially brought together by a phonographic love for The Virgins, The Strokes, The Police and Phoenix, have finally emerged from their London hideout to introduce themselves. Cha-Cha have had a busy first year together writing, recording and performing their debut album, ‘We Are…’, and ar… read more