
Cepheid is a self-published and self-produced artist from Canada. He began his musical journey at the age of 17, with an interest in Japanese doujin music, and learned how to write, record, and produce music all from the comfort of his own bedroom.

In October of 2018, he released his single Goddess, featuring the incredibly talented Malaysian vocalist Nonon. In less than 2 months Goddess amassed over 1 million views on YouTube, and propelled his career into the spotlight. This gained him further recognition for other singles such as Jack the Ripper, Chronos, and the highly anticipated sequel to Goddess, Gaia, featuring prominent Scottish guitarist, Sithu Aye.

With a focus on quality over quantity, Cepheid continues to write heavy, explosive, and emotional music, telling stories through his songs that push the boundaries of what rock and metal is traditionally known for.

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