The Beginning 2002 - 2008 The story of Carnival of Flesh starts in late 2002, when two guys, Dachaz and Dam, wanted to reshape the Serbian black metal scene with a sound that escapes the traditional black metal boundaries. This sound was commonly described as a refreshing mix of heavier guitars and more mind-blowing symphonies than usual. Due to frequent personnel changes, the desired sound was not reached, and the band officially split up in 2008. Storytelling era 2014 - 2018 Carnival of Flesh was rebooted as a studio project. Over the course of 2014., the perfect conditions were … read more
The Beginning 2002 - 2008 The story of Carnival of Flesh starts in late 2002, when two guys, Dachaz and Dam, wanted to reshape the Serbian black metal scene with a sound that escapes the traditional black metal boundaries. This sound was commonly described as a refreshing mix of heavier guita… read more
The Beginning 2002 - 2008 The story of Carnival of Flesh starts in late 2002, when two guys, Dachaz and Dam, wanted to reshape the Serbian black metal scene with a sound that escapes the traditional black metal boundaries. This sound was commonly described as a refreshing mix of heavier guitars and more mind-blowing symphonies than usual. Due to frequent personne… read more