
Inland Empire born and bred Emcee Cam Archer is truly a product of his own environment. Cam grew up in San Bernardino, but while friends and family often fell into the allure of street life, Cam was forced into a world of video games and comic books. Entertainment provided to him by those very same friends and family. By age 19, Cam began taking those influences and expressing them musically. Heavily inspired by those seen as common(50 Cent, Lupe Fiasco, Jay-Z) and uncommon(Daft Punk, Linkin Park, Nirvana), Cam dove into the art form and hasn’t looked back since, releasing 10 projects since 2010. Archer strives to make music where a world of fantasy meets harsher realities. Cam is known for not just witty, pop culture savvy punchlines or sports references, but a total understanding of the streets he narrowly avoided becoming part of at a very young age. Cam conveys pain, emotion and bravado, all while hoping to spark and inspire anyone such as himself.

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