Vainajala (1998) is an album by the Finnish rock group CMX. Vainaja is Finnish for a dead person, Vainajala meaning a name of a place inhabited by the dead. The style that Vainajala was produced was highly exceptional: The band went to a small cottage in the middle of Lapland with mobile recording equipment and producer Billy Gould, who had previously shown interest in the band largely unknown outside Finland. Recording Vainajala took only two weeks, much less than the recording time for any of their other recent albums. The album was later finished at the Herodes studio in Helsinki… read more
Vainajala (1998) is an album by the Finnish rock group CMX. Vainaja is Finnish for a dead person, Vainajala meaning a name of a place inhabited by th… read more
Vainajala (1998) is an album by the Finnish rock group CMX. Vainaja is Finnish for a dead person, Vainajala meaning a name of a place inhabited by the dead. The style that Vainajala was … read more
CMX (short for Cloaca Maxima) is a Finnish rock group consisting of A.W. Yrjänä (vocals, bass), Janne Halmkrona (guitar) and Timo Rasio (guitar). Starting as an English language hardcore punk band, CMX eventually moved to a bit more conventional style of rock, even though their music could be described as somewhat experimental (at least when compared to the other Finnish mainstream rock groups). Known for Yrjänä's folklore-esque lyrics, riped with references to religion, mythology, cultural anthropology, philosophy and arts; themes of CMX's songs are ranging from neolibera… read more
CMX (short for Cloaca Maxima) is a Finnish rock group consisting of A.W. Yrjänä (vocals, bass), Janne Halmkrona (guitar) and Timo Rasio (guitar). Starting as an English language hardcore pu…read more
CMX (short for Cloaca Maxima) is a Finnish rock group consisting of A.W. Yrjänä (vocals, bass), Janne Halmkrona (guitar) and Timo Rasio (guitar). Starting as an English language hardcore punk band, CMX eventually moved to a bit more co… read more