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C.J Hixon and Bromley Daz are a foul mouthed comedic podcasting duo based in darkest Kent, UK.

They are often described as "Disgusting", "Under qualified for life" and "Beer enthusiasts".

Their show Liquid Inspiration Podcast has been allegedly performed for over 30 years, although the recording of these podcasts is something that is a much more recent venture.

Music supplied by regular house Band, supposed sole inspiration for Vladimir Salnikov's record shattering 3 gold medal victories at the 1980 Summer Olympics and partial nudists Son Of Robot.

also accept all forms of adoration, criticism, alcohol and pictures of Dean Gaffney (for their furnace and 'Star Prizes') via the email address:

Liquid Inspiration Podcast is available to download via and is now also available to download on the world on iTunes.

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