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Rarely could an artist be said to transcend, yet include, the most raw and real elements of Delta blues, roots rock, folk, funk and rap. Nevertheless—with bone-deep authenticity—that’s exactly what Bret Mosley does, wrestling deftly with longing, belonging, and world-weariness…on the way home to hope and grace.

Mosley’s signature idiosyncratic intensity and intelligence traverses a geography where the heart of the matter is just that…the heart IS the matter at hand—driven by the gritty, funky pulse of his slide dobro and stomping foot. Touring tirelessly since his December 2007 release, Light & Blood, he has shared the stage with Jerry Joseph, The Blind Boys of Alabama, Jackie Greene, Kaki King, Kelly Joe Phelps, among others—with the press drawing comparisons to Chris Whitley, Steve Earle, Van Morrison, Keller Williams, Ben Harper, Taj Mahal and Beck.

January 2009 marked the Cosmo Sex School release of Charge, a collaboration with Jerry Joseph and Steve Drizos. Bret will continue to tour throughout 2009, supporting the new release and other upcoming projects.

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