
I can't wait to shake this joint
No, I can't wait to fully illustrate my point
I can't wait to let it flow
No, I can't wait to bring down the house with my microphone

I can't wait

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I can't wait to indoctrinate
No, I can't wait to retune everyone to the Brassy way
I can't wait to introduce
No, I can't wait for individual gurus

I can't wait

I can't wait for all the rest
No, I can't wait, this is for the ones who think I'm second best
I can't wait to see your face
No, I can't wait, looking like you've finally learned your place

I can't wait

I can't wait to throw it down
No, I cant wait to stun you with my lyrical know-how
I can't wait to show you what
No, I can't wait, what we're gonna do, when we o it non-stop

I can't wait

Writer(s): Stefan Gordon, Muffin Spencer, Jonny Barrington, Karen Frost

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