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Bluford Duck was musically awoken by the early 90's rave culture, driven by an ever growing desire for depth, quality and an unending search for the perfect kick drum. Taking influences from 80's Pop, Italo Disco and US House & Garage - Bluford Duck’s DJ sets and productions combine all of the above to create a dancefloor hybrid designed solely to move your feet.

His debut release ‘Wait’ featured on Noir Music’s ‘Second Chances and New Romances’ compilation, instantly entering the Beatport Deep House Charts.

Supported by top jocks such as Adana Twins, Amine Edge, Nice7 and Dyed Soundorom, the track displayed everything you need to know about Bluford Duck -

clean production, punchy drums, energy and low subs that will shake your inner soul. His style is ultra current yet formative. His influences are worn proudly like a badge. And his sets are bursting at the seams with retro elements.

With releases forthcoming for the likes of Jeudi, Nëim and Akbal and both national and international tours dates in waiting; Bluford Duck sets his sights on becoming one of house musics most notorious outlaws.

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