
  • Born

    11 May 1987 (age 37)

  • Born In

    Karvia, Satakunta, Finland

Anneli Mattila (b. May 11, 1987 in Karvia, Finland) is a Finnish schlager/pop artist. She lives in Seinäjoki and her three sisters are also performing artists.

In 2003 she participated also in the Finnish Idols talent contest but decided eventually to withdraw from the contest.

Since today she has released four albums: "Suojaan" (To Shelter) in 2005, "Laulun lahjan sain" (I Got the Gift to Sing) in 2006, "Luottaa huomiseen" (Counting on Tomorrow) in 2007 and "Soita mulle" (Call Me) in 2008.

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