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  • Years Active

    2005 – present (19 years)

  • Founded In

    Belfast, County Down, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

  • Members

    • Chris Wee
    • Johnny Adger
    • Niall Kennedy
    • Rory Friers
    • Tony Wright (2005 – 2011)

And So I Watch You From Afar is a four-piece rock band from Belfast, Northern Ireland. The band consists of Rory Friers and Niall Kennedy on guitars, Johnny Adger on bass and Chris Wee on drums. The band was formed in late 2005.

They wrote and released two albums and two EPs as a four-piece with former member Tony Wright. They write largely instrumental music with group vocals in parts; Rory writes a lot of the music, but they arrange and contribute to these songs in the rehearsal room as a three-piece to make them into finished ASIWYFA songs; it is an ever-changing process. They are signed to Richter Collective, and in October 2011 the band announced a deal in North America with management and record label Sargent House, who released Gangs on November 8, 2011.

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