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Amrollah Shah Ebrahimi (Persian: امرالله شاه‌ابراهیمی), son of Seyed Lotfollah Shah Ebrahimi (great player was born in 1941 in Sahneh, Kermanshah, Iran. He started learning Tanbur with learning ancienct and religious music of his area from his father. His other instructors were Darvish Sa’di, Seyed Hadi Ojagh, Seyed Agha Aziz Zonuzi and Seyyed Roukhnafi.
Shah Ebrahimi not only has learned from his ancestors in Tanbur, but also has been able to develop these Maghams in his own way based on his creativity. Moreover his discipline and ability of sensing Maghams has made his performances vividly distinct from other Tanbur players.
He has been one of the few Tanbur masters who have tried to teach this instrument to many from years ago and many of today’s Tanbur virtuosos are his students. Shah Ebrahimi started Tanburnavazan Ensemble in 1975 with his students and they performed the very first Tanbur concert in Roudaki Hall the year after that. Some of his students started their own groups, like Keikhosro Pournazeri who started Shams Tanbur Ensmble and Seyed Khalil Alinejad who started Babataher ensemble.
He is also a great knowledge of Iranian music system. He has learned Radif, and from Seyed Ahmad E’tezadi (one of Darvish Khan’s students).

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