
  • Release Date

    10 March 2009

  • Length

    13 tracks

Amesoeurs (/ɑmsœʀ/, French for Soulmates) is the debut and only full-length album by act Amesoeurs. It was released on March 10, 2009 just before the band broke up.

Northern Silence Productions released a special limited LP edition of the album in three different versions: the “Metallic Century” edition, limited to 333 copies, the “Cold Light” edition limited to 333 copies, and the “Night Sky” edition limited to 222 copies, which all come with an exclusive bonus track “Gas in Veins - demo version”.


  • Neige — harsh vocals, guitars, bass, composition*, lyrics**
  • Audrey Sylvain — clean vocals, piano, composition*, lyrics**
  • Fursy Teyssier — guitars, bass, composition*
  • Winterhalter — drums


  • Markus Stock — recording (Klangschmiede Studiio E, winter 2008-2009)

*All tracks composed by Neige, except “Gas in Veins”, « La Reine trayeuse » by Fursy Teyssier, and « I XIII V XIX XV V XXI XVIII XIX – IX XIX – IV V I IV » by Audrey Sylvain.
**All lyrics by Neige, except « Heurt », « Faux semblants », « La Reine trayeuse » by Audrey Sylvain, and « Recueillement » by Charles Baudelaire (Les Fleurs du mal).

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