
  • Release Date


  • Length

    4 tracks

Le Secret (/lə səkʀɛ/, French for The Secret) is an EP by Alcest. It was released in May 2005 through Drakkar Productions. It was re-released in May 2011 by Prophecy Productions with different artwork on CD and vinyl. Re-released version contains both the re-recorded and original versions of the songs.

2005 version line-up

  • Neige — vocals, all instruments

Recorded, mixed, mastered at Rosenkrantz Studio in 2003.

2011 version line-up

  • Neige — vocals, guitars, bass, synths
  • Winterhalter — drums

Recorded at Klangschmiede Studio E, mixed and mastered at Drudenhaus Studio in 2009.

Cover art and layout by Fursy Teyssier (Les Discrets).

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