
US an Norwegian Black metal band, Formed In The US in 2018. Aeigort made a immediate impact and strong fan base with the 2019 demo "Demoniacal Possession …Of Darkness" which was Albert Baker (Limarenen) on drums, Maddex Stevens (Sartigoth), Albert Baker was just supposed to record the demo but later joined full time in 2020. Aeigort released there debut album in 2021 of February the 18th entitled "Smeagol Gollum" which had Tolkien and War of the ideology of the album. Aeigort release their second album on April 2nd, 2021 entitled "Nocturnal Armageddon".

Other Demos and EP's Include "Shadows of Furenal Darkness", "Når Lyset Falmer Ned i Dypet", "Sorgstrom", "Possessed Dying Light over Transylvania".

Aeigort Was also formally called philosopfhem
Later in 2021 Devin Tharp (Vomitus) joined

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