
Why wallow away at lost chances
When you can just stalk your failed conquests online
There's no fear of anybody ever knowing
You can just use the dark web to find out all the dirt
Your lost romances have garnered since graduating from school
Just because they ended up married with kids
Doesn't mean you can't get your revenge
You could move to their hometowns
And try to hook up with their teenage daughters
It would be such a kick to became a sweetheart stalker to all them
Hussy cunts who never noticed how serious you are about lovin'
Imagine busting your nuts into the pussies
And anuses from the offspring of women guilty of unrequited love
These misfortunate creatures had the unfortunate audacity to friend zone
You just when you gathered up the courage to propose a real relationship with them
The only ones guilty of faulting your pure love is them
All the girls and women who were too selfish to notice us
Too much airtime has been granted to songs about falling in and out of love
And not enough about the lovelorn frustrations of the incel crowd

Writer(s): Eric Eskenazi

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