Canaria Club (キャナァーリ倶楽部) is a J-Pop group produced by TNX, published on the Good Factory Record label, and part of NICE GIRL Project. Their formation was announced in March 2007 on the TNX website. The group is split into two groups: CAN'S and A~rias. Canaria Club was first believed to be called Canary Club because of the Katakana pronouncing ''キャナァーリ'' is transliterated as "Kyanaari") and the name of their profile webpage (canary.htm). But on their first single, the group's emblem officially romanized their name as "Canaria Club." H… read more
Canaria Club (キャナァーリ倶楽部) is a J-Pop group produced by TNX, published on the Good Factory Record label, and part of NICE GIRL Project. Their formation was announced in March 2007 on the TNX website. The group is split into two groups: CAN'S and A~rias. Canaria Club was first believed to b… read more
Canaria Club (キャナァーリ倶楽部) is a J-Pop group produced by TNX, published on the Good Factory Record label, and part of NICE GIRL Project. Their formation was announced in March 2007 on the TNX website. The group is split into two groups: CAN'S and A~rias. Canaria Club was first believed to be called Canary Club because of the Katakana pronouncing ''キャナ… read more