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Гражданская Оборона
180,062 listeners
Grazhdanskaya Oborona (Civil Defence in Russian) was a Soviet/Russian psychedelic punk band, founded in 1984 and led by singer/songwriter Y… read moreGrazhdanskaya Oborona (Civil Defence in Russian) was a Soviet/Russian psychedelic punk band, founded in 1984 and led by singer/songwriter Yegor Letov until his death in 2008. It is famous for its raw, unpolished sound and symbolist, absu… read moreGrazhdanskaya Oborona (Civil Defence in Russian) was a Soviet/Russian psychedelic punk band, founded in 1984 and led by singer/songwriter Yegor Letov until his death in 2008. It is famous for its raw, unpolished sound and symbolist, absurdist, often rude yet socially charged lyrics. Letov also c… read more -
31,603 listeners
Коммунизм (Kommunizm, Communism) is a Russian (Soviet) conceptual art project founded in January 1988 by poets, musicians and artists Yegor… read moreКоммунизм (Kommunizm, Communism) is a Russian (Soviet) conceptual art project founded in January 1988 by poets, musicians and artists Yegor Letov, Oleg "Manager" Sudakov and Konstantin "Kuzya Uo" Ryabinov. It can be s… read moreКоммунизм (Kommunizm, Communism) is a Russian (Soviet) conceptual art project founded in January 1988 by poets, musicians and artists Yegor Letov, Oleg "Manager" Sudakov and Konstantin "Kuzya Uo" Ryabinov. It can be seen as a side-project of legendary Siberian psychedelic punk… read more -
Егор Летов
84,392 listeners
Егор Летов (Yegor Letov) was a Russian poet, musician and songwriter, best known as the founder of the noise rock/punk band Гражданская О… read moreЕгор Летов (Yegor Letov) was a Russian poet, musician and songwriter, best known as the founder of the noise rock/punk band Гражданская Оборона (Grazhdanskaya Oborona). His other projects include a psychedelic/post-punk band Егор И Опи… read moreЕгор Летов (Yegor Letov) was a Russian poet, musician and songwriter, best known as the founder of the noise rock/punk band Гражданская Оборона (Grazhdanskaya Oborona). His other projects include a psychedelic/post-punk band Егор И Опизденевшие (Yegor I Opizdenevshie), experimental "Sots-A… read more -
Александр Башлачёв
14,392 listeners
Alexander Nickolaevich Bashlachov (1960– 1988) , also known as SashBash, was a Soviet Russian poet, singer and songwriter from Сherepovets.… read moreAlexander Nickolaevich Bashlachov (1960– 1988) , also known as SashBash, was a Soviet Russian poet, singer and songwriter from Сherepovets. He was more of a poet than a musician, and usually performed his songs with a single acoustic guitar. View wikiAlexander Nickolaevich Bashlachov (1960– 1988) , also known as SashBash, was a Soviet Russian poet, singer and songwriter from Сherepovets. He was more of a poet than a musician, and usually performed his songs with a single acoustic guitar. View wiki -
Инструкция по выживанию
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Чёрный Лукич
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Chorny Lukich (Black Lukich) was a Russian garage rock band from Omsk led by Vadim Kuzmin. View wikiChorny Lukich (Black Lukich) was a Russian garage rock band from Omsk led by Vadim Kuzmin. View wikiChorny Lukich (Black Lukich) was a Russian garage rock band from Omsk led by Vadim Kuzmin. View wiki -
Веня Д'ркин
69,706 listeners
11.06.1970 - 21.08.1999 Singer-songwriter ("bard"), born in Luhansk, USSR. Real name - Aleksandr Litvinov. Wrote more than 150 so… read more11.06.1970 - 21.08.1999 Singer-songwriter ("bard"), born in Luhansk, USSR. Real name - Aleksandr Litvinov. Wrote more than 150 songs, partially published in 6 albums after his death. Many of them can still be heard sung at camp… read more11.06.1970 - 21.08.1999 Singer-songwriter ("bard"), born in Luhansk, USSR. Real name - Aleksandr Litvinov. Wrote more than 150 songs, partially published in 6 albums after his death. Many of them can still be heard sung at campfires or at punk parties, with a guitar and a bottle of portwine. View wiki -
Тёплая Трасса
11,282 listeners
Группа «Тёплая Трасса» образовалась в 1991 году в Барнауле в результате совместного творчества автора текстов песен Вадима Макашенца (творч… read moreГруппа «Тёплая Трасса» образовалась в 1991 году в Барнауле в результате совместного творчества автора текстов песен Вадима Макашенца (творческий псевдоним — Дёпа Побоков), редактора и издателя самиздатовского рок-журнала «Периферийная Не… read moreГруппа «Тёплая Трасса» образовалась в 1991 году в Барнауле в результате совместного творчества автора текстов песен Вадима Макашенца (творческий псевдоним — Дёпа Побоков), редактора и издателя самиздатовского рок-журнала «Периферийная Нервная Система», и барнаульских рок-музыкантов. Основой «Тёпл… read more -
Александр Непомнящий
16,364 listeners
Alexander Evgenyevich Nepomnyaschy (1968-2007) was a Russian singer-songwriter, a bard, who performed his songs to an acoustic guitar. He w… read moreAlexander Evgenyevich Nepomnyaschy (1968-2007) was a Russian singer-songwriter, a bard, who performed his songs to an acoustic guitar. He was also a member of National-Bolshevist party. Discography: 00. Новые похождения А. И. Свидригайло… read moreAlexander Evgenyevich Nepomnyaschy (1968-2007) was a Russian singer-songwriter, a bard, who performed his songs to an acoustic guitar. He was also a member of National-Bolshevist party. Discography: 00. Новые похождения А. И. Свидригайлова (1994) 01. Экстремизм (1995) 02. Под тонкой кожей (1995) … read more -
Красные Звёзды
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