
My heart is crying, the world has fallen for me
Teardrop smiley, good I must finish for me
You're lost in my mind, my soul belongs to you
You stole my moments, dreams they could be true

When the moonlight sorrow plays on my cheeks tonight
And I feel the horror and my soul is fine

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Morning, morning, still call me morning
I just wanna touch you once again but there's nobody, only a
Morning, morning still call me morning
I just wanna touch you once again but there's nobody, only a pain
My pain

To wake without you, to spend the day far from you
This empty living, this living is so full

When the moonlight sorrow plays on my cheeks tonight
And I feel the horror and my soul is fine

Morning, morning still call me morning
I just wanna touch you once again but there's nobody, only a
Morning, morning still call me morning
I just wanna touch you once again but there's nobody, only a pain
Pain, pain

Oh no, pain

Morning, morning still call me morning
I just wanna touch you once again but there's nobody, only a
Morning, morning still call me morning
I just wanna touch you once again but there's nobody, only a pain


Writer(s): Eritza E. Laues, Jaheim Hoagland, Sheldon Ellerby, Clifton Lighty, Billy Beck, Larry Troutman, Bale'wa M. Muhammad

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