
  • Years Active

    1990 – 1993 (3 years)

  • Members

    • Егор Летов

Egor and Opizdenevshiye was a Russian rock band. The leader of the band was Egor Letov (Russian: Егор Летов). The project appeared in 1990 after Letov's main group Grazhdanskaya Oborona (Russian: Гражданская Оборона) was disbanded for a while. The reason for taking a new name was the necessity to cut off all the associations with the name of the former band. Letov, who considered rock and roll more of a religious movement than a genre of music, was afraid of becoming commercialized and therefore specifically adopted a name that could never be allowed by Russian censors, thereby making radio airplay or advertising impossible (connotatively, the word "Opizdenevshiye" means something like "the Fuckups" in Russian; the root is the word "pizda" or "cunt").

The first album 'Hop-Skip' has been recorded in May - July 1990, and '100 Years of Solitude' - in Jan - July 1992. Last release - 'Psychedelia Tomorrow' (1993). Members: Konstantin Ryabinov, Igor Zhevtun, Alexander Rozhkov, Julia Sherstobitova, Anna Volkova.

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