This used to be my fave RHCP album many years ago, probably still is. Just a super solid and all around fun album. The production hasn't aged well with me though. Kind of overproduced. I don't like the snare sound in particular.
This is why they decided to ditch the producer and get Rick Rubin in for the next one. Not a bad decision.
It was a good call. The way Rubin captured the instruments, perhaps the drums in particular, on BSSM is some amazing audio work.
I agree, he's a good producer in regards to the type of production expected by the artists employing his service - it's a very high-grade, clinical commercial sound. I just don't find it to be a particularly artistic approach to production, more a business approach - which figures. I certainly wouldn't call him a conman though 🤷🏻♂️
You guys forget the greatest thing Rick Rubin gave to the Peppers is a sense of believe that they could be more than a funk rock party band. More specifically he was maybe the first to realize John's full potential not only as a guitarist but as a songwriter and musician in general, and thus letting him completely free, support his creative ideas and let him call the shots. He allowed him to prosper, unlike Michael Beinhorn here who tried to control John's creative input rather than letting it free. It's not only the task of a producer to get a great sound on the record, (in fact that's more a sound engineers / mixer's job) but more importantly to support the group or artist in the best possible way during the creative and recording process.
I can't believe I had this album tagged wrong the whole time. Finally fixed it, time to scrobble it some more now.
Listening to this album for the first time and regretting that I have not heard it before
The RHCP's best album [11] since i'm mostly a metal fan, i don't know if it's accurate for me to say it but the heavy metal guitars that Beinhorn inserted are so f*cking cool
"Also, anyone who only likes the pre-californication stuff and dislikes the post californication, clearly has a lack of variety in their music taste. Their later stuff is great as is alot of the older stuff." -- Agreed, agreed, agreed. Yes, I do prefer the older stuff (anything before By The Way, really - Californication just feels quite different from both "eras" to me for some reason), but I still quite like firing up their later stuff as well... SA and I'm With You are fantastic albums. By The Way, as far as I'm concerned, is easily their weakest... but again, I can't really point out a terrible song on it so much as it just doesn't fit what I like hearing from them as much.
Great album. Also, anyone who only likes the pre-californication stuff and dislikes the post californication, clearly has a lack of variety in their music taste. Their later stuff is great as is alot of the older stuff.
i hunted down the original 1989 master on CD second hand so i could enjoy the dynamics of this music! not the distorted, flat and loudness war 2003 remaster. i instantly noticed the guitar and bass leaping out, both sound like flat static on the 2003 master. The 2003 remaster sucks. The only good thing is the long version of "Pretty little ditty".
This album would've been so much better if they would've let Johnny be free and himself, instead of making him imitate Hillel Slovak. Still a great album.