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Far, far, far, far away, -way
People heard him say, say
"I will find a way, way
There will come a day, day
Something will be done"

Then at last the mighty ship
Descending on a point of flame
Made contact with the human race at Mildenhall



Now, now, now is the time, time
Time to be, be
Be aware

Carter's father saw him there and
Knew the road revealed to him
The living soul of Hereward the Wake

Oh my, something in my eye, eye
Something in the sky, sky
Waiting there for me

The outer lock rolled slowly back
The servicemen were heard to sigh
For there, revealed in glowing robes, was Lucy in the sky

Oh, oh, did you ever know, know?
Never ever will they
I cannot say

Summoning his cosmic powers
And glowing slightly from his toes
His psychic emanations flowed

Writer(s): Roger Waters



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