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As the prime echelon of cenobites - they unite
Construct the Ziggurats - for the divine

The secret sky ports
The Towers of fire
Under wormholes
Vessels of Enki soar



The Ladders to Sumeria

On the grand white temple of Uruk
Lie the zenith mark... Ascension

To leave these terrestial plains
The seven titans, they commune
Kochab of the Annunaki, it awaits
12th entity of our solar dominion

The Ladders to Sumeria

Primordial splendid beings dowsing for mines of gold
They carry torches to illuminate this earth
Smouldering citadels mark the pantheon's land
Arrive; The arcane spiritual machines arrive

Dilmun - most sanctified abode
Pleiades - foundation for the Seven Sages
To the sect of the White Shadows
Chariots once created for this misconstrued realm

(They come)

Lamashtu, Asagu
Creators of Naram-Sin

Idipu, Shidana, Emhisu
Creators of Naram-Sin

Mu Balaq Ushumgal Kalamma Badimma

Writer(s): Murat Cenan



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