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1月 19

Mountains, Mind Over Mirrors, Golden Retriever & DJ Jeff Conklin (EVR)

Union Pool 出演 MountainsGolden RetrieverMind Over Mirrors



2013年 1月 19日 土曜日21:00


Union Pool
484 Union Ave, Brooklyn, 11211, United States





Mountains Record Release Show for 'Centralia'


Mountains’ music is defined by slow builds, and subtle transformations, textures and melodic lines that evolve in a variety of ways to create grand soundscapes and acutely detailed compositions. Mountains have taken their time on Centralia, resulting in an album that is as precise as it is boundless. The result is a fully engrossing listen, always shifting focus between acoustic instruments, processed instruments and electronic sound. It encompasses everything Mountains represents, from the analog electronic sound of Air Museum, to the gentle warmth and improvised grandeur of Choral. Centralia will be released 1/22 via Thrill Jockey.

Mind Over Mirrors is the solitary reeling of American harmoniumist/electronicist Jaime Fennelly. Fennelly began developing Mind Over Mirrors when he moved from Bushwick/Brooklyn, NY to a remote island in the Salish Sea of Washington State from 2007 - 2010. Utilizing an Indian pedal harmonium, oscillators, tape delays, and an assortment of synthesizing processors, Fennelly bends slowly-building, repetitive melodies into massive sonic mountains, and as XXJFG eulogized, sounds “like some drum-less-techno titan stalking the sand blasted bazaars of a near-future, eastern city.” His third and most recent album “Check Your Swing” was released on French imprint, Hands in the Dark Records, this past fall, with previous releases on Digitalis and Aguirre Records.

Golden Retriever create polyphonic music from monophonic instruments. The bass clarinet and the analog modular synthesizer are generally both capable of playing only one note at a time. Starting from this point of pure melody, Golden Retriever then find ways to turn melody into harmony using their “boring old one-note instruments” to make live electronic music that is remarkably rich in textural details and almost symphonic in its use of layering. Though the music is often classified as experimental, its most salient feature is melody. It is made remarkable by the ease at which it takes the disparate elements of minimalism, free jazz, noise, classical, and even pop and shapes it all into something emotionally compelling.

+ DJ Jeff Conklin from East Village Radio

出演アーティスト (3) 名


参加者 1 人


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