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Outtakes from "OC/DC"

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Mel Daley (Ex Singer - Pink Assassin) has been collaborating with Richard Proctor (Singer/Guitarist -They Walk among Us) over the past few months. The pairing of the two came after Richard agreed to record and produce songs Mel had been writing as a solo project. Mel would arrive at the studio with the songs and play them to Richard acoustically. Richard would then take care of the arrangements and instrumentation. Mel & Richard decided to air the tracks at a few acoustic nights and thus The MeMeMe’s were born. Since then The MeMeMe's have been featured on BBC radio, Supported Martin Carr ( Brave Captain, Boo Radleys), invited to play at the SWN Festival and have had some intriguing offers with regard to releasing their pop gems through various National & European labels. Not bad for a band only 3 months old. The album OC/DC is still being recorded and will be available as soon.

Durata 6 brani

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