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What animal separates this ape from that? The human animal; ignored and loathed by louse and lion. Revel in our glory, in every brother is quarry. Butcher every life until our land is stained and dead. From our towers we cry "Every man shall bear a soul, a right that no other beast shall bear." and in the shadows the dogs shook their heads, "Shame upon those apes, pride comes before a fall."

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31 Mag — 6 Giu Last.week
2023 Last.year

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What animal separates this ape from that? The human animal; ignored and loathed by louse and lion. Revel in our glory, in every brother is quarry. Butcher every life until our land is stained and dead. From our towers we cry "Every man shall bear a soul, a right that no other beast shall bear." and in the shadows the dogs shook their heads, "Shame upon those apes, pride comes before a fall."

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