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Don't say that
You're better than that
Don't say that

You're sensitive and kind
Your laugh is infectious
I like the way you can't say goodbye
Your arms get entangled in mine

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I like those qualities
You hate everything that you do
I wish you could see what I see
You think you're so hard to love
And I should end it because
Everybody close to you leaves

Don't say that
You're better than that
Don't say that
I'm not going back
You know me better than that
Don't say that

I'm all yours tonight
Tomorrow and the rest of your life
Put that movie on that makes you cry
And laugh at inappropriate times

You know those qualities are
The reason I have a heart
I wish you could see what I see
You think you're so hard to love
And I should end it because
Everybody close to you leaves

Don't say that
You're better than that
Don't say that
I'm not going back
You know me better than that
Don't say that

And when you hold me like that
I get a little attached
I'm at home in your arms
And when you touch me like that
I get a little attached
With me you're never alone

Don't say that
You're better than that
Don't say that
I'm not going back
You know me better than that
Don't say that

And when you hold me like that
I get a little attached
I'm at home in your arms
And when you touch me like that
I get a little attached
With me you're never alone

Writer(s): Shane Niemi, William Joseph Leong

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