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Day by day I won't get younger
I'm afraid I'm getting older
Life is always getting faster
Can't take me any higher
Escape from fun
Plan to see it all
What I was looking for
On one of those days
When everybody was seriously dramatic
Dissatisfied with something they can't change

Maybe they're still there all praying
For break in the weather
For break in the weather
(weather weather weather...)

Il testo continua qui sotto...

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People always talk about (weather weather weather...)
You can only talk about (weather weather weather...)

People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
We can only talk about the weather

Ohh in summer you wish it was cooler
And in winter you wish it was milder
Conditions - they are never in your favour

(Wake up...)

People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
We can only talk about the weather

People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
People always talk about the weather
We can only talk about the weather

Writer(s): Laszlo Fogarasi

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