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We're running, running, tell me what we're running from
Is it something, something too hard to overcome?
Yes, we're running, running, no matter what the cost
Searching, searching to find the hope that we have lost

'Cause love is around the next corner
In the eyes of a child, and the smile of a mother
But, it's nothing, nothing without a little trust
Hearts of gold sometimes turn to rust

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So, keep running, running, let the waves carry me (hm-hm-hm-hm)
The storm is turning, turning, the cloud's going out to see (hm-hm-hm-hm)
There is no place to go where the vows won't follow us (hm-hm-hm-hm)
Long after these roads have turned to dust (hm-hm-hm-hm)


Writer(s): Maxime Nouchy, Jason Glasser

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