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Voice of the wise
Is trying to summon you
From the world where all the problems you can think of are solved
No one can see what's going on
People rave though there are not even any drugs involved

The vision unfolds
And the things you've been told
Are unjustified by your own mind

Il testo continua qui sotto...

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Come with me
And I'll show thee
What lies beyond the veil of delirium you'll see
And as we sail
Towards the dale
Let the ravings and delusions
Be blown away by gale
Beyond the delirium veil

The voyage goes on
Cruising the seas of life
As you head for the dale it still remains unreachable
Day by day
Make your way
Though leviathans of the depths seem almost unbeatable

The wisdom you'll gain
Won't make you insane
Strive for the consciousness divine

Come with me
And I'll show thee
What lies beyond the veil of delirium you'll see
And as we sail
Towards the dale
Let the ravings and delusions
Be blown away by gale

Beyond the delirium veil (beyond the delirium veil)

Come with me
And I'll show thee
What lies beyond the veil of delirium, you'll see
And as we sail
Towards the dale
We introduce a new constitution
Let there be no more confusion
As the ravings and delusions
Are blown away by gale
Beyond the delirium veil, ooh

Writer(s): Tommi Veli Sartanen

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