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Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all
Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all
Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all

I ain't calling you familiar
I don't know your face that well
Not like the shaving mirror
Hanging up inside your cell
I didn't call you here to tell you
I didn't call you here at all
'Cos I'm talking to myself again
And you're talking to the wall

Il testo continua qui sotto...

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Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all
Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all
Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all

It would be great to die together
On the first day of the year
'Cos then we'd be quite legendary
Could you volunteer?
I don't think of you, oh do you think of me
Is that often or not at all?
Well if you have to let me down my friend
Then kick me to the floor

Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all
Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all
Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all

Oh say it's not true
The things they said we do
Oh, how could I explain
The pleasure in the pain
They're calling us insane
Oh the knives, the blood, the bad, the good
D'ya think you could, do do do do do do do you?

Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all
Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all
Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all
Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all

Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all
Don't let me down gently
If you have to let me down at all
Don't let me down
If you have to let me down at all

Don't let me down
Don't let me down
Don't let me down
No no

At all

Writer(s): Martin Richard Gilks, Miles Stephen Hunt, Malcolm Roy Treece, Robert Jones

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