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Been up and down this lonesome highway
Coast to coast and back again
I just had to do things my way
Had to go against the wind

'Cause I've been dreaming of the girl I left behind
Lord, she had the truest heart I've ever known
And I've been looking for a world I'll never find
Ever since I left my East Kentucky home

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I can smell the wood smoke risin'
Feel the wind out in the pines
See the way I left her cryin'
Every time I close my eyes

'Cause I've been dreaming of the girl I left behind
Lord, she had the truest heart I've ever known
And I've been looking for a world I'll never find
Ever since I left my East Kentucky home

Think I'll get up with the sunrise
Think I'll pack my things and go
It's taken me this long to realize
The only thing I need to know

'Cause I've been dreaming of the girl I left behind
Lord, she had the truest heart I've ever known
And I've been looking for a world I'll never find
Ever since I left my East Kentucky home
Ever since I left my East Kentucky home

Writer(s): Mike Henderson, Christopher Stapleton

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