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The Mumfees immerse themselves into a unique musical space by fusing the idiosyncrasies of different influences to create a particular sound. The experimental attributes with dream pop aptness and quirky indie leads evoke strong emotions that are meant to carry the listener through a cinematic journey.

The duo in theory doesn't fit a particular label, but the format isn't new. Two-piece groups have been successful utilizing a production-heavy and guitar driven formula before, consider Legrand and Scally. Tonally, the vocals are submerged in a sea of reverb and as a result this emphasizes the contralto range which appears to be a trademark throughout the tracks.

The Mumfees self-released a demo EP titled "It Feels" in early 2018. The EP showcases Danielle and Zepeda's artistic adherence with a blend of contemporary inclinations and classic musings. Their three-song EP "The Sky" which was release later the same year features a similar experimental sound coupled with a taste of Nashville as is evident with the song "No Service".

Go explore the sounds of The Mumfees and get a feeling of what a "tiny band in big ol' LA" can sound like.

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