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Listen to me, I'll sing a song to change your mind

Have you ever wondered why
When everything goes wrong
Nobody stops to lend a hand
Nobody seems to care?

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When she looks you in the eye
And suddenly you're strong
And very soon, you realize
That you didn't care about love

Listen to me, I'll sing a song to change your mind
Your ears are deaf
Your mouth is dumb
Your eyes are blind

Listen to me, and very soon, I think you'll find
Somebody wants to help you
Somebody seems to care
And very soon you've forgotten
That you didn't care about love

Does it hurt to realize
You've been acting very strange?
Refusing to take the love she gives
Pretending you don't care

Did it take you by surprise
To discover how you'd changed?
How you forgot to remember
That you didn't care about love

Listen to me, I'll sing a song to change your mind
Your ears are deaf
Your mouth is dumb
Your eyes are blind

Listen to me, and very soon, I think you'll find
Somebody wants to help you
Somebody seems to care
And very soon you've forgotten
That you didn't care about love

Listen to me, I'll sing a song to change your mind
Your ears are deaf
Your mouth is dumb
Your eyes are blind

Listen to me, and very soon, I think you'll find
Somebody wants to help you
Somebody seems to care
And very soon you've forgotten
That you didn't care about love

You didn't care about love
You didn't care about
You didn't care about
You didn't care about

Writer(s): Tony Hazzard

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