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There's Something Not As Valid When the Scenery Is a Postcard


Delivery this morning
Our clothes are hung to dry
We're visiting the ceiling
On the shore of the Puget Sound

The scenery gets a hold of you
Like a bad record
There's something not as valid
When the scenery's a postcard
And the view from through the glass
Is just the glass upon the finish
And the conversations people have
About the lush surroundings
Are all tainted by the cards
They got from travelling companions

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Olympia is shorter to the street than what I thought
The view from in the city
Isn't scenery at all
But it gets a hold of you like a bad record
Like a bad record

There's something not as valid
When the scenery's a postcard
And the view from through the glass
Is just the glass upon the finish
And the conversations people have
About the lush surroundings
Are all tainted by the cards
They got from travelling companions

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