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A distant light gets brighter
Moving into somewhere new
A feeling burning deep inside
Fighting to get through

And then it hits me, a certain atmosphere
I've found everything, the eye and the tear

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We were always waiting
Now there's nothing to wait for
Not here since you came
It feels like heaven

And then it hits me, a certain atmosphere
I've found everything, the trust and the fear

A distant light gets brighter

And then it hits me, a certain atmosphere
I've found everything, the eye and the tear
And then it hits me, a certain atmosphere
I've found everything, the trust and the fear

Feels like heaven
And then it hits me, a certain atmosphere
I've found everything, the eye and the tear
And then it hits me, a certain atmosphere
I've found everything, the trust and the fear

Writer(s): Wright, Nash, Rawlings, The Danse Society Scarfe, Gilmartin

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