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Collega a Spotify



I want to be original
I want to be surrounded by art
But everything is digital
The formulas are fallin' apart
They riot in the streets
Because there's not enough money to share
Is the burden of fame
Just a universal cross we can bare?
But out here on the border line
You've got to hold it together
You've been deprived of dedication
You've been condemned by your dreams

Is it as bad as it seems?
And can you pull the hook from your mouth?
Do you wanna to feel the breeze
Before the air you breathe finally runs out?
We're divided it seems
This is a diary of life in between
This is obese and obscene
This isn't music, it's a pyramid scheme
And out here on the border line
You've got to hold it together
You've been deprived of dedication
You've been condemned by your dreams
And out here on the border line
It feels a lot like forever
We'll all be damned if this machine
Turns life into routine

Il testo continua qui sotto...

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Thieves have taken the crown
Melted it down
Kept it in near the ground
Now they're praying for sound
And I don't know what's found
Cause we used to be gifted
And persistent
Now we're bored
We used to laugh at how misery spoon-fed our desire
We've lost our fire!
And now they won't remember our names
Our days are mixed in the crowd
And our nights are spent fanning the flames
But out here on the border line
You've got to hold it together
You've been deprived of dedication
You've been condemned by your dreams
Oh, out here on the border line
It feels a lot like forever
We'll all be damned if this machine
Turns out into a routine
(We're dead and gone)
Thieves have taken the crown
(We're dead and gone)
And have melted it down
(But we're dead and gone)
Thieves have taken the crown
And now they're praying for sound

Writer(s): Joby J Ford, Brad Magers, Matt Caughthran, Ken Mochikoshi Horne, Jorma Vik

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